A white sheet photoshoot is timeless. Add colored satin sheets or textured fabrics and you’ve got an even more memorable photo session with lots of options to choose from.
What is a White Sheet Photoshoot?
We like to refer to our sheeted sessions as Just The Sheets since we use more than just white sheets. We’ve got an array of freshly laundered satin sheets in many colors that we keep in the studio just in case one of our gals decides that she wants to add this super sexy look to her session.
Why should you do a Just The Sheets look?
For one, sheets have no size limit. So they look great on anybody! Not only that, a sheeted look is more focused on you and not the bold and beautiful Savage Fenty teddy you brought with you. And lets not forget how versatile this option is. You can be as covered or as exposed as you want, and can do all types of poses in a sheet. You can pose standing, sitting or lying down – the looks are endless!
Of course, if you truly want to use white sheets we’ve got those too! We also have a variety of textured fabrics and furs for you to use as well.
If requested, I usually do the Just The Sheets look at the very end of your session. If you’d like to book a session, remember a Just The Sheets look is always an option for you!
How would you like to be photographed? Get in touch! Book a free consultation if you have questions or book your session right online –> Contact Us!